Opinion Poll-9


Technical Note: This survey was carried out by Marktest Angola.

Target- Resident population in the province of Luanda aged 15 or more (4 848 341 - Source INE - Projection of the National population and the Province of Luanda 2020.).
Sample- 400 interviews planned and 447 interviews carried out.
Sampling process - We made use of our telephone contact bases and the sample was stratified by municipality with sex, age and socio-economic strata.
Methodology - Semi-structured questionnaire with 5 questions, through CATI (Computer Assisted Telephonic Interview).
Treatment of information - The results of the study were weighted and extrapolated to the universe under study.
Gathering information - Between 9 and 13 July 2020.
This investigation did not interview about 13% of the population due to the fact that they do not have a mobile phone (Source Marktest - AMPS 2019 Around 87.4% of the population in the province of Luanda have a mobile phone).
The analysis of these results is the exclusive responsibility of Marktest Angola.

Luanda, July 16, 2020

For more information, please, contact Marktest Angola