The OMNIBUS main objective is to ensure our client´s projects are implemented successfully, by reducing costs, whenever there´s a need for a brief investigation with the helpof some few indicators. This is an investigation method in which many different clients share the cost of an investigation. Each client receives their requested “part” of information. This type of research has as the main feature the discussion of various topics, as the results are usually for different clients.
Who is it for?
To companies in need for getting insight information on any matter about Luanda province.
Marktest Angola is prepared to respond to the information needs of the Angolan market by conducting specific and customized studies, such as:
- U&A (Habits and Attitudes)
- Awareness
- Image
- Communication
- Concept Tests
- Product Tests-
Price Tests
- Pre-tests of advertising campaigns
- Mystery Shopper
- Organizational Climate
- Audit- Point of sale
Knowthe insights and opinions extracted from a large group of people about aparticular matter. Interviews can be personal or telephone.
Areas of expertise
- Banking and Insurace;
- Alcoholic beverages;
- Non-Alcoholic beverages;
- Corporate Banking;
- Shopping habits;
- Consumption habits:
- Consumer goods & Image/retail;
- TV habits;
- Parking lots;
- Real estate;
- Health;
- Telecommunications/Internet;
- Healthcare sector;
- Automotive sector;
-Insurance sector;
- (...)
This research method is not based on pre-established assumptions, therefore, it creates the most favorable conditions for proposal evaluation and opinion sharing, to ensure that any relevant aspects which mayemerge spontaneously is investigated further.
It helps respondents in overcoming any challenges and constraints related tothe challenges of expressing certain ideas and feelings verbally. Perceiving the feelings, desires, opinions of small groups of the population, which provide us with inputs to be quantified at a laterstage, or through a quantitative research and trying to understand the reasonswhy they are behind the numbers.
- Focus Group;
- In-Depth research (ID’s);
- Home Visit;
- Mystery Shopping;
- Research;
- Ethnographic;
Focus Groups
Aim- Extracting insights and opinions from groups of respondents about a specific matter.
Methodology - Conducting Interviews with a small group of respondents (7 to 10 respondents) guided by a moderator responsible for directing the conversation in an unstructured and natural way. This methodology allows for the deepening of the answers given, the conversation among respondents and the spontaneous flow of ideas freely shared.
ID's - In-Depth Interview
Aim – Extracting insights and opinions from specific targets for respondents who for some reasons cannot spend time in a Focus Group.
Methodology- Conducting an Interview with are spondent guided by a moderator responsible for directing the conversation in an unstructured and natural way. This methodology allows for the deepening of answers given. The Interview can be conducted face to face or by phone.
Aim – Extracting insights about the daily routine or experience of a person or groups of people at their own homes.
Methodology - To observe inperson, a respondent(s) daily routine in a natural environment (home, shopping...).
Mystery Shopping
Aim - To know and audit the performance of employees at work by acting as a Client in order to gain information from them.
Why a Mystery Shopping - A Mystery-Shopping gives a momentary snapshot of how teams work - their relationship with the Client, as well as their compliance with internal company rules and guidelines.
This photograph is essential for a company to know the quality of services that is being provided to clients.
Methodology - A non-identified auditor from Marktest Angola, can act as a buyer and/or user of a specific product/company (at store/branchor over the phone).
An anonymous presence/presentation allows the Auditor to make an assessment from the Client's point of view
After the visit / phonecall, the Auditor will fill out a report, which accurately reflects the way thevisit / call went.