Our Team

Ana Paula Pereira

Managing Director

Ana Paula Pereira started her career at Norma in 1984, having worked in several market research companies such as TNS Euroteste, Novadir (Marktest Group), Synovate, where she was an Associate Director and head of the company in Portugal, and Ipsos, where she has served as a Client ServiceDirector (until 2015).

Between the year of 1998 and 2002 she was an invited Teacher in EscolaSuperior de Comunicação Social, (School of Social Communication in Lisbon) in Lisbon, where she lectured subjects of Media and Advertising Media and Media Planning. In 2011, she was a board member of APODEMO, representingthe company Synovate. As from 2016 to date, she has been Marktest Angola Managing Director. In 2018 she began lecturing the module of Market Research as part ofthe Master program in Communication and Marketing Studies at Gregório Semedo University.

Adilson Santos

Administrative & Finance Manager

Diakanua da Costa

Publimonitor - TV Monitoring

Filomena Carvalho

Adhoc Department- Production Manager

Virgínia Feliciano

Adhoc Department Production Executive

Santos Quibanza

PubliMonitor  Research Executive

Cassia Ernesto

Adhoc Department-Production Executive

Jesuina Gonçalves

PubliMonitor  Research Manager

Adilson da Silva


Adilson Joaquim

Publimonitor- Radio Monitoring

António Quipanda

Publimonitor-Radio Monitoring

Gama Manuel

Publimonitor- TV Monitoring

Gildo Sebastião

IT – Network Manager

João Miguel

Publimonitor-TV Monitoring

Mário Gonçalves

Adhoc Department - Research

Teodor Calulo

Publimonitor- Research Executive

Yuri Sebastião

Publimonitor Junior Research

Domingas Nambalo

Cleaning Department

Fieldwork Team

Our fieldwork team is made up of 40 young varsity students, carefully selected, trained and supported by our technicians, thus ensuring the quality and credibility of the data collected. The data collected are analyzedand validated daily by our technicians and subject to simultaneous and subsequent control (supervision), strictly complying with rules of conducts, establishedinternationally for market research companies- ESOMAR.