The vast majority of the population in Luanda (72%) considers that the State of Emergency should be extended (values identical to those obtained in the last survey on the same issue - reference to the extension on 10 May). Because the pandemic can worsen / is serious / cases to increase (reported by 85%), another reason mentioned by more than a third of the population (49%) says that with the promulgation of the state of emergency, the disease is better avoided.
Of the 28% that state that the State of Emergency should not be enacted, the three most cited reasons are: making life difficult for students and those who work (48%), financial problems (38%) and the shortage of food in commerce (27 %).
Regarding the way the institutions, Government, MINSA and Security Forces are proceeding towards Covid 19, the opinion of Luandenses is quite positive for any of them. About 83% consider MINSA to be doing (well or very well), about 79% consider that the GOVERNMENT is doing well or very well and about 66% of Luandans believe that the security forces are doing well or very well. In terms of index (IP), there was also a positive assessment, with emphasis on MINSA (75.6%) and the Government (71%).
Compared to the beginning of April, it can be seen that the attributes that underwent a greater change compared to the beginning of April were confidence (-15%), calm / tranquility (-14%); relaxation (-10%) and good mood (-9%).
In comparative terms, it appears that anxiety / stress (-12%) and worry (-6%) also decreased.
The fear of being contaminated (47%) and the lack of food (17%) continue to be the two situations that best reflect the fear of Luandans.
The National Health System does not correspond to the pandemic remains the third biggest fear.