Opinion Poll-6


The majority of the population in Luanda (72%) considers that the State of Emergency should be extended, because the pandemic can worsen / is serious / cases are increasing (referred by 78%), another reason mentioned by more than a third of the population (64%) said that with the enactment of a state of emergency, the disease is better avoided.

Of the 28% that state that the State of Emergency should not be enacted, the three most cited reasons are - life that remains suspended (47%), the concern about not having to eat and thetiredness of being at home, both with 45%.

About 94% of the population in Luanda said that to stay informed of the pandemic, they update themselves by TV, with TPA1 (86%) and TV Zimbo (76%) being the most sought-after channels for this information.

As for the programs most mentioned on TV to update themselves on Covid 19, there is the Telejornal(TPA1) with around 75% of respondents, the press conference of MINSA (72%) and Jornal da Zimbo (about 70%).

Rádio Luanda (48%), Rádio Nacional (19%) and Rádio Mais (18%), are the stations most mentioned by Luandeses to inform themselves about Covid 19. At the press, O Jornal de Angola is the most reported by 94% of respondents who choose this medium tostay informed about the disease.

Of the 36% of respondents who report information about the disease via the internet, the most popular sites are Facebook (about 76%), Sapo and Angonotícia (both with around 16%).