Opinion Poll- 11


Marktest Angola, and on its own initiative, wanted to know the opinion of Luandenses about the way some institutions acted throughout 2020, concerning Covid 19.

About 59% of those interviewed said that the President of the Republic had a good or very good performance in the way he acted in the face of the pandemic.

Regarding the actions of the Ministry of Health, the majority of Luandans also considered that they did well or very well (58.7%).

In relation to the Public Security Forces, approximately 52.1% reported that they proceeded well or very well.

It is noteworthy that in these three entities analyzed, between 20% and 22% of the interviewees mentioned that there were decisions well taken and others badly taken, and for that reason they answered “neither well” “nor bad”.

Technical Note- This survey was carried out by Marktest Angola.

Target- Resident population in the province of Luanda aged 15 or more (4 848 341 - Source INE -Projection of the national population and the Province of Luanda 2020.).

Sample-500 interviews planned and 501 interviews carried out.

Sampling process - Sampling was stratified by municipality. Within each municipality the selection of neighbourhoods was random and within each sample unit (residence), only one individual was selected. To choose the individual, we used a sample by sex and age shares representative of the universe (according to the Projection of the Population of the Province ofLuanda made by INE).

Methodology- Semi-structured questionnaire with 5 questions, through personal and direct interview.

Treatmentof information - The results of the study were weighted and extrapolated to the universe under study.

Gathering information - Between the 5th and the 11th of January 2021.

The analysis of these results is the exclusive responsibility of Marktest Angola.

Luanda, 20th January, 2021