AMPS 2021- ALL MEDIA & PRODUCTS STUDY- Wave 2- October-


Daily television consumption (reach%) is identical to the May 2021 wave. About 59% reported having watched television the day before.
In terms of television, and as in May 2021, Zap Novelas and Zimbo are the channels with the highest audience.
In terms of preferred programs, Fala Angola (Zimbo), A Tarde é Nossa (Zimbo) and Telejornal (TPA1) were the most mentioned.
For those who watch soap operas (about 43% of people from Luanda). Terra Amarga by Zap Novelas is the favorite.
As for the preferred presenter Salu Gonçalves, Ernesto Bartolomeu and Igor Benza were the most mentioned.

In terms of the press, Jornal de Angola, with a reading audience of 1.5% on the eve, slightly below the May spot (same situation for the entire press, where the reduction of audience in this medium is accentuated).

The medium Radio registered a 20% audience on the eve (slightly higher than in May).
The most listened to stations are Rádio Luanda and Radio 5. The preferred announcers are Jojó, Paulo Miranda and Jorge Gomes.

As for the internet, around 44% report that they access the internet daily, of which the most visited platforms are Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube.
News platforms are still quite reduced in terms of audience.

Technical Note: This investigation was carried out by Marktest Angola
- Resident population in the province of Luanda aged 15 or over (4 848 341 – Source INE – Projection of the National and Province of Luanda population 2020).
Sample- 2500 interviews planned and 2611 interviews carried out
Sampling process - The sampling was stratified by municipality. Within each municipality the sample will be equitable by day of the week. Selection of the sampling element – ​​in each sampling unit (residence), only one individual was selected. To choose the individual, we used a sample by sex and age quotas representative of the universe (according to the Luanda Province Population Projection made by INE).
Methodology- The methodology used was the “Day After Recall”, with collection carried out daily. We used a quantitative methodology, carried out through a F2F interview and supported by a structured questionnaire in CAPI, with an average duration of 40 minutes (place 2).
Information collection- Information collection took place between August 25th and September 16th, 2021.

The analysis of these results is the exclusive responsibility of Marktest Angola.
Luanda, December 8, 2021