AMPS 2020- All Media & Product Study - Wave 1


In times of change, consumption habits are also changing and the scenario of audiences reflects the new reality.

More television is consumed daily and for longer. In the same period, the eve audience was around 63% and at t he moment it’s 70%. The average daily time to watch television is 3h45m per day and in April 2019 it was 2h 41m.

Television channels that consolidate their position in the market, channels that reinforce their position and others that in times of Pandemic time see their audiences decrease.

In terms of television, Zimbo and TPA1 are the channels with the highest audience. Channels with content related to “soap operas” and entertainment saw their audience drop.

It is the information channels and Angolan news that get the highest audience, if compared to the consumption of Media in 2019.

  In terms of preferred programs, Telejornal (TPA1), and Fala Angola (Zimbo)were the most mentioned by the interviewees in April.

As for the favourite presenter Ernesto Bartolomeu, Salu Gonçalves and Igor Benza were the most mentioned.

At the press level, there was a reinforcement of Jornal de Angola, with a reading audience the previous day of 2.1% Vs 1.6% in the same period.

In terms of Radio, stations connected to the public information service also obtain audiences higher thanthe same period, namely Rádio Luanda (6.5% Vs 5.8%) and Rádio Nacional (3.2% vs 0.9%).

Technical note:
Universe - The study universe consisted of individuals of both sexes, over 15 years old, residing in the Province of Luanda.
Sample- The expected sample was 1500 interviews and 1531 interviews were carried out.
Sampling process - Sampling was stratified by municipality. Within each municipality the sample will be equitable by day of the week. Selection of the sample element - in each sample unit (residence), only one individual was selected. To choose the individual, we used a sample by sex and age quotas representative of the universe (according to the Projection of the Population of the Province of Luanda made by INE).
Methodology- The methodology used was “Day After Recall”, with the collection carried out daily for 16 days. We use a quantitative methodology, carried out through a telephone interview and supported by a questionnaire structured in CAPI, with an average duration of 20 minutes.
Schedule- was between 7 and 22 April 2020.
This investigation din't interview about 13% of the population due to the fact that they do not have a cell phone (Source Marktest - AMPS 2019 Around 87.4% of the population in the province of Luanda have a cell phone.)
The analysis of these results is the exclusive responsibility of Marktest Angola.
For more information contact Marktest Angola.