Advertising Investment - 2019


According PubliMonitor data, for the year 2019, advertising investment in Angola (list price), grew by 10.4%, with Television being the Media responsible for this growth.

In relation to the other two Media analysed by Marktest Angola, there was a 1.9% growth in Radio and the trend of divestment in the Press is consolidated with a decrease of 22.8%.

If for the Total investment the end of the year shows growth, the same does not happen with the number of insertions through.

Advertisers paid more for space but bought fewer positions.

There was a reduction in the purchase of space in all media under analysis - 3.4% compared to the same period last year.

This analysis was carried out using the MMW-Adex,, for the period from 1st January to 31st December 2019 for the supports we monitor. Contact us for more information on this.