14th CONFERENCE - IAOP STUDIES (Marktest Angola)

IAOP (Marktest): Indicators on the Angolan Market were presented on November 15th at the 14th Company Conference
The IAOP (Marktest Angola), released on 15th, the main results in the Media, Advertising and Services sector, on the Angolan Market. This information is aimed at market stakeholders, as it provides important indicators on the volume of business in the advertising market, trends in terms of consumption of goods and services, the media with the largest audience and the brands of choice for consumers. per year under analysis.

This study – AMPS carried out since 2007 – helps companies to understand the preferences of their audiences, thus establishing a closer relationship between the advertiser, media, agencies and the consumer.
Held every year and presented within the scope of the IAOP Conference (Marktest), it was based on a sample of around four thousand respondents, people over 15 years old who make up the various quadrants of Angolan society, which makes it an important document for professionals in the sector, especially when deciding where, when and how to invest in advertising.
The conference highlighted some AMPS indicators with audience analysis, and in terms of the advertising sector, information was released on advertising investment in 2023, where the various media were the focus of attention.
In terms of investment and an analysis of the first 10 months of the year, there was a 5.3% growth in advertising investment (at list price).
In nine categories studied by the IAOP, there was a decrease in generalized consumption, compared to the previous year, with around 28% no longer consuming any of these products.
In Luanda province, around 12% of Luanda residents do not have a telephone, however they claim to watch television and listen to the radio. This segment is mostly made up of women (60%), individuals aged between 15 and 24 (42%) from very low or low socioeconomic strata (90%).
As for media consumption and published press, Jornal de Angola has an audience the day before of around 2%. In relation to the weekly newspapers published, and the audience of the last edition, there are between 2% of readers and 0.3%.
Compared to 2022, the press has a reduction in its audience of around 2% (a situation that has been constant over the last few years).
In the previous day's radio audience and as audience leader, Rádio Luanda remains, supported by Rádio Cinco and Rádio Despertar.
Jojó, Paulo Miranda and Jorge Gomes are Luandenses' favorite announcers.
In Luanda Province, Zap Novelas maintains its leadership, followed by Zimbo and TPA1. It is worth highlighting the impact that the day of the week has on the total audience, particularly on these three channels.
In the Top 3 in September, the favorite presenters are Stela de Carvalho, Ernesto Bartolomeu and Salú Gonçalves.
Among others, data on internet consumption was also presented - around 49% of those interviewed access the internet daily, with Facebook and WhatsApp standing out as the most consumed social networks. In relation to entertainment and information sites, PlatinaLine and Xé Agora Aguenta were the most mentioned.